Updated: Dec 29, 2021
UPDATED 12/28/2021
A good editor must learn the author's vision, see the strengths of the work, and sort out its weaknesses. Without question, some editors are super-critical. But in truth, some authors are super-sensitive.
As your editor, I will offer honest feedback and constructive advice. In the manuscript assessment and developmental edit, those are crucial editorial responsibilities. You, the author, might not always like what I'm suggesting. We will disagree at times, I guarantee it. Professional disagreements are a good thing.
I am not your enemy. I gain nothing by sabotaging your work. Excellence in the content and quality of your work is as much a reflection on me as it is on you. I ask that you receive my comments and suggestions in the spirit of fostering teamwork, and allow my editing skills to complement your writing skills.
Trust is a requirement of the editor-author relationship. You must trust that I want your work to be of outstanding quality and I will perform my services in your best interests.
I promise to treat you and your work with courtesy and respect. I ask the same in return. Mutual respect is essential if we are to Strike the Write Tone.
In addition to working as a nonfiction and creative nonfiction editor and writing coach, I am co-author, with Dr. Terri Lyon, of the book Make a Difference with Mental Health Activism: No activism degree required—use your unique skills to change the world. Visit my website page Make a Difference and Dr. Lyon’s activism website Life At The Intersection to learn more about Make a Difference, including how to place bulk orders.
Updated: Dec 29, 2021
My eyes love words. They always have. My upbringing has much to do with that -- thirteen years of parochial school education, during which I diagrammed sentences in my English classes from sixth to tenth grade. Did I hear you groan? Are you feeling sorry for me? Don’t. I loved diagramming sentences. I might just be the only person you will ever hear admit that. As tedious as it could sometimes be, I know this much -- diagramming sentences taught me to understand complex sentence structures and the purpose and proper placement of words in writing.
I love words. I love to write. I love to read. That’s why I started Strike the Write Tone.
Every author I have worked with has referred to his or her manuscript as “my baby” when handing it over. I write too, so I understand that sense of possessiveness you have about this work you have created. I promise to respect your baby.
You start with a blank screen or sheet of paper and transform it into an eloquent essay, short story, novel, or nonfiction book. It is a strenuous process and I respect that. Whether you are handing over your first finished piece to an editor or you’re a veteran at this sort of thing, you have chosen wisely to let another pair of eyes review your creation. My eyes.
You have an ideal reader for your work. I promise to keep your ideal reader in mind always. You have written with a purpose. I won’t lose sight of that purpose as I edit your work.
My promise to you is that I will read every word of every sentence with the same degree of discernment you used when writing it.
How do we choose a book to purchase in a bookstore, especially if the shelves are filled with other books on the same subject? Well, research says we read the back of the book or the inside flap, we peruse the table of contents, and perhaps read the first page or two of the introduction. The sad fact is, most folks take less than three minutes to decide if they are going to buy a book or not.
This is why my motto – Every word of every sentence matters – is right on the money. The quality needs to start with the first word. We will be a team, you and me. I look forward to us working together to present your best work to the world.
In addition to working as a nonfiction and creative nonfiction editor and writing coach, I am co-author, with Dr. Terri Lyon, of the book Make a Difference with Mental Health Activism: No activism degree required—use your unique skills to change the world. Visit my website page Make a Difference and Dr. Lyon’s activism website Life At The Intersection to learn more about Make a Difference, including how to place bulk orders.